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Squirrels – Nuts For Squirrels

Urban Wildlife series

Squirrels in the urban environment

Squirrels have long had a conflicting reputation.  While they can be engaging and entertaining to watch, they can also wreak  havoc in the urban backyard.

Squirrels—Pros and Cons

Many find this energy-packed powerhouse a nuisance. They can strip trees of fruit, empty a bird feeder in minutes, and chew yard ornaments into termite fodder before you can blink!

However, these mischievous and clever little creatures are also true survivors in their own right. They have adapted to urban life without missing a beat!

They are hard workers, continually storing food caches for the future. They expend energy efficiently and they recycle. They replenish the environment around them, always leaving more than what they take.

In short, we can learn a lot from a squirrel!

Squirrels at your backyard bird feeder

The squirrel is a common sight at backyard bird feeders. They can jump, bound, leap, and somersault onto any bird feeder with ease. They can out-smart, out-wit and out-perform just about any obstacle we can come up with. They seem to always come out on top.

Squirrel Behavior

There are over a hundred different species of arboreal (tree) squirrels. They are closely related to chipmunks, marmots, prairie dogs, groundhogs, and flying squirrels. Squirrels are in the rodent family.

Squirrels rely on a diet rich in carbohydrates, protein and fats. They are unable to digest cellulose, which rules out most vegetation.

A little known fact about squirrels is that along with their most common diet of tree seeds and nuts, they will supplement their diet at times with protein by eating insects, small reptiles, amphibians, and even at times, though rarely, small mammals and birds.


Squirrel eating a bird

Squirrel Characteristics

Squirrels are very athletic. They have been known to leap six times their body length from a standing position. That would be like you or me being able to leap 55-60 feet in the air , or basically six stories, from the ground on the first try! Pretty amazing for such a little creature.

Squirrels are very clever. They have the ability to figure out obstacle courses and work out even complex solutions to anything that might hinder them from their goals.

People have taken this ability and created intricate mazes built exclusively for squirrels, simply for their own entertainment, as depicted in this video by hoskand.


Squirrels are very entertaining creatures. They are versatile, clever, and very athletic.The next time you see a squirrel, stop and observe him for a few minutes. You may be surprised at what you learn.

And who knows? You may just end up becoming nuts for squirrels!

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