New Content: Stunning… or more like, FUNNY [Wildlife and Nature]
Good afternoon! It’s been awhile since I’ve added new content (wildlife and nature) here. Birds, Butterflies, Florida everglades and more… Continue reading New Content: Stunning… or more like, FUNNY [Wildlife and Nature]

Mahi Mahi – Underwater Footage
Mahi mahi is a Hawaiian name meaning “strong.” This is a very fitting name indeed. If you have ever been on the other end of the line when attempting to bring one in, you well know the screaming rods, line-peeling runs and tail-thrashing jumps that accompany this brightly-colored blue, green and gold fish. Continue reading Mahi Mahi – Underwater Footage

Backyard Birding – Candid Cardinal
Backyard birding is a rewarding hobby. There are many beautiful and bright-colored birds that come around my feeder every day. The Northern Cardinal is a true favorite for all those who enjoy backyard birding everywhere! With its striking ruby-red feathers … Continue reading Backyard Birding – Candid Cardinal

Birds, Butterflies, Blooms, and… Spiders?
I’ve been testing out a new macro lens, the Sigma 105mm f/2.8 DG Macro. It’s been interesting! Continue reading Birds, Butterflies, Blooms, and… Spiders?

Come, take a virtual tour of the LHC at CERN. It will be fun, educational and, best of all, you will get an inside view of something most people never see! Continue reading VIRTUAL TOUR of the LHC at CERN

The Matterhorn is a mountain in the Alps, located on the border of Switzerland and Italy. It has a unique and striking pyramid-like peak that is nearly symmetric. Continue reading VIRTUAL TOUR over Zermatt – MATTERHORN

What are the Benefits of Hibiscus tea?
What are the benefits of drinking Hibiscus tea? Find out here! Also, read on for holistic recipes for teas, drinks and serums for skin care! What is Hibiscus? HIBISCUS is a plant that generally grows in warm, temperate, tropical or … Continue reading What are the Benefits of Hibiscus tea?

Backyard Birds
Quarantine has caused me to spend a little more time at home than usual. So, I’ve been focusing a little more on my backyard bird photography.
In the process, I am learning much more about the individual birds that call my backyard home. Continue reading Backyard Birds

Florida Everglades Video
The Florida Everglades is a unique and bio-diverse ecosystem. It is a fascinating place to visit. What are some of the animals you can see in the Everglades? Watch this video and find out. Continue reading Florida Everglades Video

Beach Vibes – Drone Video
It’s hard to find a clear, sunny day in rainy South Florida. But on this day, everything came together! Continue reading Beach Vibes – Drone Video